Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
Texas Outreach

A 501 (c)(4) Nonprofit Organization
“the reasonable voice regarding animal issues in Texas!”

An affiliate of Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
A 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

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84th Legislature Suggested Dialogue

Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
Texas Outreach

Suggested Dialogue with Texas Legislators
should you need it, but be brief!

  1. Introduce yourself; tell them a little about your special animal interest.  You won’t have much time, probably15-30 minutes at most and the legislator talks also!  If you are new to politics, tell them so and why you are here today.  We’ll provide you with a packet including all the information you’ll need.  Don’t hand them the packet until you’re winding down or they’ll waste your time leafing through it!
  1. Ask the legislator or aide with whom you are meeting:  “Do you own a pet?”  Focus on their pet(s) briefly if they have any.
  1. Ask if they are aware of the difference between Animal “Rights” and Animal “Welfare.”  Explain the differences briefly and leave them the RPOA flyer on Animal Welfare vs Animal Rights, which will be in their packet.  The “animal rights” goal is to end all interaction, use and ownership of animals, including pet ownership.  Point out the recent attacks on Sea World, the Zoo, etc. 
  1. Tell them that HSUS, Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN), PETA and ASPCA do not represent you.  We’re the “reasonable” voice regarding animals in Texas.  THLN claims to represent every animal group in Texas!
  1. We call HB 1451 the misnamed “Puppy Mill” Bill the “Pet Elimination Bill.”  The words “commercial” and “puppy mill” are not even in the bill.  HB 1451 passed in 2011 and was written to eliminate dog and cat breeders, not regulate them.  Rep. Senfronia Thompson has blocked all our efforts to transfer the administration from Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation to be under Texas Agriculture Department, where it belongs.  “Animal Rights” extremists are using this new law to harass every dog/cat breeder in Texas … including those who aren’t even required to be licensed!  Packet will include a flyer. 
  1. Tell them to contact Responsible Pet Owners Alliance of Texas if they ever need our expertise.  We have a very diverse membership and we are the experts with animal issues – not the fanatical “animal rights” extremists.
Copyright 2015 RPOA Texas Outreach. All rights reserved.